Innate or acquired? The causes of homosexuality. Do you know where I stuff them? If homosexuality is innate, is it a reason to celebrate based on the assumption that this scientific development would demonstrate the inanity of the conversion therapies, among other? Or, should we on the contrary fear other essentialist drifts? If homosexuality was innate, would it be of lesser value? If homosexuality is acquired, when would it take place? Under what circumstances? Following which kind of event(s)? Isn't rather the question and its permanence that are revealing? Who has something to say, the homosexual, the scientists, the heterosexual community ultimately? But, if so, what exactly?
Inné ou acquis ? Les « causes » de lhomosexualité, vous savez où je me les mets ? Si lhomosexualité est innée, faut-il sen réjouir, au motif que cette avancée scientifique démontrerait linanité des thérapies de conversion, entre autres ? ou faut-il au contraire redouter dautres dérives essentialisantes ? si lhomosexualité était innée, aurait-elle moins de valeur ? Si lhomosexualité est acquise, quand ? dans quelles circonstances ? suite à quel(s) évènement(s) ? Nest-ce pas plutôt cette interrogation elle-même, et sa permanence, qui sont révélatrices ? qui disent quelque chose, des homosexuels, des scientifiques, et enfin, du monde, hétéronormé ? Mais alors, quoi ?
Innate or acquired? The causes of homosexuality. Do you know where I stuff them? If homosexuality is innate, is it a reason to celebrate based on the assumption that this scientific development would demonstrate the inanity of the conversion therapies, among other? Or, should we on the contrary fear other essentialist drifts? If homosexuality was innate, would it be of lesser value? If homosexuality is acquired, when would it take place? Under what circumstances? Following which kind of event(s)? Isn't rather the question and its permanence that are revealing? Who has something to say, the homosexual, the scientists, the heterosexual community ultimately? But, if so, what exactly?