Logistics Team

Pink Screens Queer Film Festival is above all a volunteer-lead event that takes place every year. The volunteering organisers work in teams, such as: translation, communication, logistics, exhibition, Pink Night, tech, etc. And we are on the lookout for new team members! 
Call for logistics team members
About the logistics team
Logistics is one of the most active teams during the festival. There are 3 of us currently, and in a nutshell, our role is to ensure the smooth running of the festival by managing all practical details and by coordinating the living forces that run the festival (ie volunteers).
As a member of the logistics team, you’ll get to meet lots of cool people, and you’ll be the go-to person for questions during the festival. But logistics also means being able to work in close quarters with each other, which is why we put solidarity and teamwork in the centre of our work ethics. On-site, we always work as a pair - putting out a (metaphorical) fire is always easier together than alone :)
Being part of the logistics team implies attending meetings every month, and as of June, being in charge of:
  • developing and printing tickets
  • the printing and assembling of team and volunteer badges
  • Managing multiple locations at the festival (material needs, accessibility, inclusion, etc)
  • Organising the transport of equipment 
  • Coordinating with other teams from Pink Screens
  • Coordinating with Pink Screens Partners
  • Coordinating with volunteers and briefing volunteers
  • Organising the volunteers’ bar and the volunteers’ dinner
  • Organising Pink Thursdays
  • Setting up the festival venues (decoration, tech set-up)
  • Developing and managing work plannings (volunteer and team shifts)
  • Clearing up the venue after the festival
  • Being on-site during the festival (for at least 4 days out of the 10)
If you enjoy meeting new people, if you have a practical mind, and if you are comfortable taking decisions and finding solutions in stressful situations, then feel free to send us a short introduction of yourself to gdac_logistique@gdac.org, and we’ll be in touch! 
Please note that this is a volunteering position.