!!! 3rd Anniversary Party !!!
>>>Special Guests
João Brasil (BRA)
Musician, performer, music producer and composer from Rio de Janeiro, João Brasil released an EP last year with Lovefoxxx from CSS : L.O.V.E. Banana (Man Recordings). Expect some Brazilian guetto-tech music, Baile Funk, Tecnobrega, Pop & Mashups!
By the way, João is Fatboy Slim's favorite brazilian new artist!
We bet youll think the same!
DJ Mellow (Low Up - BE)
Founding member of the Lowup party collective, Tropical bass addict with an open mind, DJ Mellow will present you his EP "Belgica Esta Picao!".
Ricky Corazón (Resident)
Sat 04.02.12 - 23:00 - 8
_ Café Bota Stéréo - Rue Royale, 236
_ 1210 Brussels - Metro Botanique
More Info : http://www.musicagelatina.blogspot.com/
_ http://www.humoursdumonde.be/
_ http://brusselsisburning.blogspot.com/
_ http://www.wafwafwafwaf.be/