Tue. 11/05/2004 - 19:30
Cinema Nova

Isaac Julien : Poétique de l'homosexualité noire

Isaac Julien
United Kingdom
vo: en
sub: fr
Poetic meditation on the American black writer Langston Hugues and the “Harlem Renaissance”. Isaac Julien gives a lyrical reconstitution of this period, where the forgotten beauty of gay black culture is revealed in a society where homosexuality was regarded as a sin.
Isaac Julien
United Kingdom
vo: en
sub: fr
The fantasies of a museum attendant take shape when a painting of a master and his slave become the living embodiment of his sadomasochistic desires.
Isaac Julien
United Kingdom
vo: en
A variation on the representation of the “white man” through the image of the American cowboy and the homoerotic fascination that it causes. Experiments in vision and sound help provide a beautiful backdrop to this unique poem. Collaboration between Isaac Julien and Javier de Frutos

The screening

Isaac Julien explore, dès 1981, les thèmes de la négritude et de l'homosexualité dans la diaspora africaine et aussi les notions de la culture populaire noire en photographie, psychiatrie et cinéma. ll fonde en 1984 le premier atelier de cinéma et vidéo n

Practical information

Cinema Nova

Rue d'Arenberg, 3
1000 Bruxelles