{{Wu Tsang}}'s work is about queer, trans-society and trans-community dynamics. {{Boychild}} is known for her mind-bending movements and approaches gender in a fluid, non-binary way. 'Moved by the Motion' is a collaboration between visual artist, performer and film director Wu Tsang, performance artist Boychild and experimental cellist {{Patrick Belaga}}. Together they explore different forms of storytelling by improvizing with voice, movement and music. Tsang literally plays the voice, manipulating the scene with language in the way a puppeteer manipulates his puppets. Boychild plays 'the mover' (the dancer). She is bound to the voice but continually attacks that voice with her physical body. In the meantime, Belaga accompanies them with a live, improvized score. [Tickets online ->https://beursschouwburg.ticketmatic.com/addevent.php?a=RNQ_EruVYQY&e=Pt_sbG2MjKk&s=80cswBbInpo&l=en]